RD Report – 9/13/14
In the last month I have participated on the WSC Participants discussion board on na.org on the topic of a US service body. I think some form of cooperative coordinating body is probably a good idea; the ideas discussed range from the simple idea I like to a full blown US service conference every 2 yrs; during the year that WSC doesn’t meet. If you have any input on this discussion please let myself or Don know.
I received an email from the World Board asking me if I would serve on a “virtual” work group to continue the discussion we started at the conference regarding the future of the WSC; I agreed to participate. At the WSC we went thru small group discussions regarding this and it seemed that the consensus, at the time, leaned towards zonal representation in the future at the WSC; we talked about this topic somewhat at the Post Conference Assembly but some regions are doing the workshop with its members to involve them in the discussion; I would like to do that in our region if there is interest in doing it. Again if you have any input on this topic please let us know.
The Traditions book project is moving along and still seeking input from the Fellowship. The deadlines for initial input are as follows:
31 July 2014 Tradition One
31 NovemberTraditions Two 2014 through Seven
31 March 2015 Traditions Eight through Twelve
Since we do not have any Literature Review committees in our region providing an opportunity for members to collectively give input Don and I will include a Traditions Book Workshop in our plan for next year for Traditions 8-12 and any drafts that are out by the time of our workshop.
In the next couple of months Don and I will be reviewing the changes to the Guide to World Services that we had talked about at the conference; regarding how the conference operates and regional motions/proposals in the CAR; if you have any input on this please let us know.
We also will be reviewing the draft of the conference record for WSC 2014.
We will be working on our work plan and budget for next year and would appreciate any input on workshops you would like us to do, the IDTs (Issue Discussion Topics) for this conference cycle are the same as last cycle:
Collaboration Group Conscience Supporting Our Vision Third Tradition
Please let us know which topics you think our region would benefit the most from workshopping.
We will be attending the Western States Zonal Forum in January and will soon begin making our arrangements. One of the things we will discuss there will be the idea of collaboration and cooperation among the CA regions.
During an email discussion regarding this I was informed the PR Coordinator from NAWS that N. Cal’s H&I and NAWS were to do a presentation to all the county sheriffs in CA here in San Diego last month; I found about it a week and a half before the event.Needless to say I was a little upset that we were not informed earlier and said so to our NAWS PR Coordinator, only to find out that we had been informed. N. Cal’s H&I chair said he told our regional Outreach chair about it.
I immediately informed our Vice chair and PI, Outreach, H&I and BTW chairs. Everyone said they would be there, including myself. Greg was unable to attend due to work and I couldn’t go at the last minute due to a plumbing emergency at the house I manage. I was later informed by the NAWS PR Coordinator that no one from our region was there. This was a great opportunity we missed to meet the sheriffs in our region; especially the Imperial County Sheriff who has been denying NA into his jail.
Anyway N. Cal and NAWS have been doing these type of presentations without our involvement for a long time and that brings us back to why we need a collaborative/ coordinating committee or body for the regions in CA so we can all participate and benefit from the information from these type of events and work together on other issues.
Any questions or comments would be appreciated, report will be on RD Corner soon.
Dave Tynes-RD (858) 380-9345 Don Sturtevant RDA (619) 792-8542