Hi All,
The RSC has confirmed votes for the upcoming CAR will be done via your home group’s GSR, or representative thereof only at the upcoming CAR Assembly on March 31, 2012 listed on the workshop flyer. A roll call will be made of all GSR’s before the event begins. All GSR’s are to bring their CAR Report with them. Our ballot sample is attached to print and take to your home group meeting for input. Ballot input will be taken from all interested parties with comments. If you have any questions or concerns, please email me at:lightofpamj@yahoo.com
Thanks, Pam
Date: 2/9/12
Western States Zonal Forum 2012 Minutes(1.6mb pdf)
Hello All,
I don’t think it can get anymore interesting that it is right here and now in our Region and others across the world. As many of us shared of Apathy being a problem with those being of service, the shear fact that there is consideration of completely overhauling the entire service system has brought many out of the meetings and into the workshops. I am glad to see faces I haven’t seen in a while.
I have attached a copy of the Minutes of the Western States Zonal forum from last month if you’d like a peak at what is going on there as well as with others in our Zone.
If you would like to obtain access to a Conference Agenda Report (CAR), please use the following link: Conference Agenda Report (CAR)
To access the password-protected area, please use the following:
Username: CP2012
Password: WSC2012
Many with laptops are bringing them to the workshops to save on ordering a copy. You can also order the CAR online if you would like a hard copy for $13.00 as the Workshops will not have CAR’s available. You may order online at:
Conference Agenda Report (CAR)
We will have handouts for you to keep which would include a CAR Summary Sheet of the Motions, Resolutions, Straw Polls, & Proposals under consideration. One of our members has graciously offered the use of his projector for our workshops so we will provide a printout of our Power Point Agenda & an example of how the new system would look like for CALIFORNIA (which would be different than that of other states).
Two items we will be looking at over the next month will be consideration of whether anyone can vote, or if all votes should be presented through one’s respective GSRs.
Also, how many would be interested in online voting being available along with the regular hand voting? The Workshop Flyer currently on our web (see attachment) has been updated to include the UEC workshop and the PRE-CAR Assembly where we intend to fully utilize consensus based decision making and gain a group conscience. Many are beginning to attend more than one workshop to gain the information they need to make an informed descision.
We have approached serious issues that will only get worse until changes of some type are made. Please don’t be swayed by others opinions and emails, take the time to read the facts.
As long as the ties that bind us together are stronger than those that would tear us apart, all will be well”. With that, I’m confident our Higher Power will take care of the rest!
Lastly, this will be my final year in this position and votes to fill the RD and RDA will be voted on at the Post CAR Assembly upon return in May. If anyone is interested, I would encourage you to let it be known and let me know if you have any questions as this is a 6 to 8 year committment and not to be taken lightly.
Also, on the horizons I will be working on Assembly Guidelines to help other Delegates in the future!
In loving service, Pam J
Regional Delegate