July Regional Delegate Report



            Since last RSC I the NAWS News and the Annual Report for 2011-2012 have come out. I am still reading the Annual Report and will discuss it next month; if you would like to read it for yourself it can be found on na.org. I will give a synopsis of the NAWS News in this report but if you want to read it in its entirety it is also on na.org. Don and I will also be participating in the first NAWS webinar for WSC participants on 7/13/13 at 10 am before the RSC.


The World Board reported that donations have increased slightly but are still not meeting the budget, they point out that most of our funds are coming conventions, fundraisers and literature and merchandise sales instead of group contributions as most of believe should be the main way we support our services. Fortunately we in our region are mainly funded by group contributions but as has been discussed our contributions to world services has been lacking. NAWS has put a direct contribution portal on their website to make it easier for those members who wish to contribute directly. even has a automatic monthly donation feature that was requested by members.


The WB has decided that it thinks it would be best to take the SSP along in stages since there is a lot of information for the Fellowship to digest. They are proposing to have questions or motions regarding the GSU and LSU components in the 2014 CAR and continue discussions about the state/province/country component and the role of zonal forums in the SSP in the 2014-2016 conference cycle. Their language regarding implementation and transition to GSUs and LSUs has caused some confusion regarding whether or not these have been approved by the Fellowship; it is my understanding that they have not and I believe the WB understands that due to their comment about questions or motions being in the 2014 CAR but I will seek clarification during the webinar with them.


The board reports having communicated with 70 NA communities that have either sought information regarding using or testing parts of the SSP or have been using or testing parts of the peoposal. They also report that they are getting much information from the “core” test groups that will be helpful in revising the tools that have been created to help with implementation and to create more tools especially for the LSB.



The board has been discussing the elimination of RDA participation at the WSC as a cost saving measure for the Fellowship. This idea has bot been popular with the majority of RDs from the US I’ve seen discussing it but the RDs from outside of the US seem to be fine with it since most do not fund their RDAs to the conference now.




Preregistration for $89 continues through the end of July.




In the next month we will be implementing an idea Don used the last time he was RD and I have mentioned before; an RD Support Team. We are looking for people who are willing to help us put on upcoming workshops and disseminate information. We have already had a couple people express interest and I will be contacting them and anyone else who is interested this month. If you are interested in being a part of our support team please call me at 619 768-3387 or email me at davet_89110@yahoo.com


Thank you for the opportunity to serve,

Dave T-RD