Next month we have a workshop scheduled before the North County Inland ASC on “Consensus Based Decision Making”. Both these workshops should have very informative and useful discussions that can help us to better accomplish our goals to serve the Fellowship. I am looking forward to them.
I’ve been asked to facilitate a workshop with the California RD teams at the WSLD in Las Vegas October 46, 2015. There also will be an RD discussion forum and NAWS workshops related to the Planning our Future discussions we are having.
We normally do not include this event in our budget but due the participation requested and topics to be discussed I feel it is appropriate for us to attend. Since our budget will not be approved for next year until after this event so I will be making a motion to fund us out of this years budget.
The final batch of review material for the Traditions Project is now available. This packet contains drafts of the Tradition Eleven and Twelve, as well as a closing section called “All Will Be Well.” As a reminder, chapters for Tradition Seven through Ten are still out for review. All current review materials are online at
The deadline for input on Traditions Seven through Ten is 31 August. The deadline for input on Traditions Eleven, Tradition Twelve, and the conclusion is 30 September. You are encouraged to send your input in as early as possible—there’s no need to hold your input until you’ve read the entire batch; a chapter at a time (or even a section at a time) is actually preferable. The sooner they receive your input, the more time they will have to incorporate your ideas into the revisions. An approval form will be published in November 2015 as an addendum to the Conference Agenda Report(CAR).
We will be doing a Planning our Future workshop in October; this is the discussion regarding the future of our WSC and world services; what it will look like as far as seating and overall operation. It is important that we try to get as much information regarding these discussions to as many members as possible in order to avoid past difficulties like the one we had with the SSP where many members said they never heard of it even though it had been being discussed for many years. I will do my best and hope the RCMs will so the same.
In service,
Dave T. RD (858) 3809345 Don S. RDA (619) 7928542