To speak with a Recovering Addict call 619-584-1007 (San Diego County) or 442-456-1168 (Imperial County)
Para hablar con un adicto en recuperación, llame 619-546-0774
Meeting request 501(3)c and/or Certificate of Insurance Form
Instructions on how to request a 501(3)c documentation and/or a Certificate of Insurance
- Group in the fellowship that is a meeting in the current SDIC NA schedule where the facility requires 501(3)c documentation and/or a Certificate of Insurance.
- Area or Regional sub-committee/Area Service Committee/Regional Service Committee that is putting on an event where the facility requires 501(3)c documentation and/or a Certificate of Insurance
To request these documents, you will need to provide the following information. The starred (*) items are mandatory, so the requested documents can be provided with as little touch time as possible. If information is missing, it will delay getting the document: